Sunday, August 30, 2009

Site Visit

at the moment of taking this pic I realized that photography could be a very fulfilling profession to pursue

Recently for my current job we were required to make a standard site visit to the area we are currently working with. The main goal was to survey all the available buildings we would be working with in order to create a quick sheet set of the existing facilities. I took advantage of our beautiful site and took some choice shots of this now derelict cotton co-op.

My entire time at the site felt less like an architectural survey and more like an archaeology exercise. We were pioneers in a place that has been tucked away from public screening, and our understanding of the ruins were fundamental at best. From our backgrounds we could understand structure, but we could not answer why such odd structural arrangements were composed in these alien interiors. We had mere remnants of evidence to deduce as to what function these strange abandoned machines served. I definitely kept myself from activating any hidden switch or lever in case it would cause spikes to shoot from the walls or release a giant stone ball to roll down a ramp. My experience with Indiana Jones has taught me that much at least.

If would like to see the rest of these photos then please check out my flickr.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Aborted Identities

A few designs that failed to germinate.

Organizational Charts

Organizational Chart

In an attempt to return beautiful presentation design to my current place of work, I aggressively volunteered to control all the visuals for our current big undertaking. The first step was to create an organizational chart of all the different levels of administration and so on for the small city. Except for the rectangular forms, I relied heavily on the graphical precedent set by a Robert Palmer.

"Do not Fuck with Graphic Designers"

He has recently made the rounds on all the important design blogs for his reinvention of the ugly and impossible to navigate design that has been used in congress. It is amazing how easy it is to confuse and miss-communicate through the use of bad infographics. As if the subject of Health Care Reform was not an already confusing quagmire. Tufte would vomit profusely at viewing the original design and then be reprieved of his suffering with warm pastels, clean lines and a single font.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

pixels to cubes

Pixel men now in 3d!

I am not sure if one of my most primary influences has made an appearance on these pages, so I will confess directly to a primal desire for video games and all that is interactive pixels. I have been trying for a while to find a link between the activities of my thumbs and the direction of my creative career. Soon I believe I will break out into an expression of architecture as rendered and experienced through a screen and interface, but until then I will use my modeling programs to convert 2d pixel experiments into 3d pixel experiments.

Original illustration as adapted from a photograph

I am not arguing that these early attempts are great, they are only the first real try at a form of illustration that has gained popularity recently. The brilliant indie game blog Offworld has done a great job at showcasing examples of artists who have also converted their love of video games into their individual crafts. A great example is the work of Tibori Design, who has a diverse gallery of 2d games taken to the next unseen dimension.

Work by the always excellent Tibori Design